Big Dreams
of having my own car by my 16th birthday. At 14, my parents told me the only way I could get one was by working for it. So, with $350 and my family's support, I started selling lockets to friends and family after school.
From the very beginning, I knew we were doing something very special. Women immediately loved the Living Locket® and the connection they created through wearing one. It wasn't long before I was getting asked questions on how they too could share Origami Owl. Fast forward a couple of years, with the hard work from my friends and family, Origami Owl now has more than 60,000 Independent Designers across the country. The best part is they too get to pursue their very own dreams by selling our jewelry at home parties we call Jewelry Bars.
Even though Origami Owl has seen incredible success in these few short years, it has always been more than just selling jewelry. We are deeply committed to being a force for good and making a difference in the lives of others. We strive to help others achieve their dreams, just like I achieved mine. Yes! I did get that car. It's a white Jeep named Alice after my favorite Disney character.
Our story is only just beginning to unfold and I hope it can be a part of your story too.