What information/instructions do newcomers to making jewelry with jewelry wire, beads and common jewelry supplies need?
Throughout our web site, we provide a lot of information on how to make jewelry with jewelry wire and beads. In some people's opinion, we provide too much information and it becomes difficult to find a place to start. In this web page, we will simply try to provide information on where and how to get started making jewelry with wire and beads.
There are a lot of things to learn when you are beginning a new hobby. Getting started making jewelry with wire and beads, you will need to know what tools are required, what supplies are required, what skills do you need to know and where can you find training. We obviously can't provide answers to every possible question in one web page. What we can provide is links to web pages with information on each necessary topic. In the following paragraphs we will try to point the beginner to the right place to find the answers necessary to get started making jewelry with wire and beads.
Getting Started with a Jewelry Making Video
First, you can get an overview of how to make jewelry with wire and beads by watching the "WigJigBasics" jewelry making video here. This video is our best information on how to make jewelry using our WigJig jewelry tools. It shows the tools used, and how those jewelry tools are used. We strongly recommend that anyone who wants to make jewelry with wire and beads, watch this video at least once. If you want to find this video on You Tube, search for the "WigJig Basics" video.